
Hi my name is Ray Houghton I am 32 coming on to 33 years old, I am a child minding assistant and freelance photographer. The course I have entered on to is the BA (hons) degree in photography and looking to gain the degree.

My website page is www.rhoughtonphotography.co.uk and the URL for my blog is www.rayhoughtonphotography.wordpress.com .

I have had a love affair with photography for years since I was around 11 years old, this is when my parents got me a pinhole camera kit where I had to build it all and make my own dark room to load and unload the camera and develop the picture the trick was learning how long to leave it open for. So that was the start of the learning process from then on I have tried to learn as much as I could in photography but a lot of it was self-taught from playing with different cameras and seeing what would happen to the image from using the different settings on the camera.

I have been doing Photography as a job for a little while now, this started after I went to a music festival and spoke to a couple of the professional photographers that were there, I showed them a few of my shots and they said that they were spot on and that I should go professional that was 2 years ago.

When I look at photography I know that there is so much more that I can learn to help make me be a better photographer by giving me more understanding of how it can be used, seen and the way in which people interpret an image. I feel that this course is going to open my eyes and my mind more to the world of photography and how photography is as an art form, I want to do well in this course by giving 110% all the way to gain that degree.

I entered 6 images into 2 exhibitions last year at the local district hospital 3 pieces in each. This was against other photographers and artists from different aspects of art from paint, pastels and other media. From the whole lot I had 5 pieces accepted by the independent judges and also sold 2 of the images 1 of which is currently being displayed in the hospital in its new children’s outpatient department and the other was brought by a visitor to the hospital. I have also taken part in 2 competitions held by a company called Photobox these were a 24 hour challenges where it was done in real time with a different topic each hour for 24 hours I did alright in the last one with a few of the images I came up with being shortlisted.

Now I am going to crack on with this course so more updates shortly.

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